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L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527

L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
-25 % Out Of Stock
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527
L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 1/35 ICM 35527

L1500S LF 8, German Light Fire Truck 
1/35 WWII military vehicle scale plastic model kit
ICM 35527

High-quality details.

Manufacturer: ICM Models (Ukraine)
Scale: 1/35
Material: Plastic
Paint: Unpainted, Unassembled, Kit do not contain paints and glue.
Condition: New in Box

Mercedes-Benz L1500s  oli raske maastikusõiduauto (maastur), mis oliWehrmacht´is kasutusel peamiselt jalaväe transpordivahendina ja kergete kahurite vedukina.

Masin oli projekteeritud 1,5 t veoauto kere baasil. Mercedese rasked maasturid kuulusid samasse klassi põhiliselt Austrias toodetud Steyr L 1500 s masinatega, mis erinesid välimuselt näiteks ümarama esiotsa poolest. Sõja algul toodeti raskeid maastureid külgedel asetsevate varuratastega, hiljem neist loobuti. Autos oli koos juhiga 8 istekohta. L 1500 tüübi masinaid tootsid Saksamaal veel firmad "Wanderer" (Auto-Union) ja "Audi". Masinat valmistati kolme põhivariandina - kerge veoauto (4 x 2), jalaväesõiduk ja mugavama sisustusega 6-kohaline komandörimasin. Veokeid ehitati ka meditsiiniautodeks ja mõningateks eriotstarbelisteks veomasinateks. Mercedese jalaväesõidukeid valmistati ajavahemikus 06.1941 - 07.1944.a u 4900 tk. Kokku valmistati L 1500 A tüübilisi autosid erinevates tehastes sõja jooksul üle 18000 eksemplari.

The Daimler-Benz company was designed all-wheel-drive chassis L1500A of 1,5 t capacity in the end of 1941. Most of these chassis received open bodies for transportation of 7 men (Kfz.70). 
All in all there were produced about 4900 L1500s. These vehicles were extremely durable and reliable.
L1500A personnel cars were used by all German arms of service in the Soviet-German front, in North Africa, Italy, France up to the end of war. 

General Product Info
Material Plastic
Scale 1/35
Type Firetruck

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  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • Model: ICM35527
  • Weight: 0.96lb
  • DATE ADDED: 27/02/2014
Sold: 7
Views: 3241
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