Hello PM-Store friends.

I am very grateful to the people who signed up for a monthly donation.
In September we received 3 more subscribers and +240$ monthly.
I am very grateful to you, guys!

September 2024 Results

Single donations through our website: $1740
Monthly subscription donations: $900
Your TOTAL donations: $2640
In total, our foundation spent $4365 

You can sign up for a monthly donation

You can choose the amount of donations you want.
Thanks, friends!

Good news hasn't come, yet

In my last letter, I was excited that Ukraine would be allowed to strike russian territory with long-range missiles.
Unfortunately, this did not happen.
Strange, isn't it?!
Terrorussia can strike Ukrainian territory with anything, but Ukraine cannot respond in kind.
Therefore, we have to continue fighting against arrows, but not the archers.
We have to fight with our hands tied.
Perhaps this moment will come someday.
Those missile depots that are deep inside russian territory could be destroyed, but not wait till these missiles and bombs fly at us.
Eastern governments don't want to escalate the situation.
Really?! Escalate the situation?

September 2024 was the first month since the start of the war when the russians have been launching drone and missile attacks every night.
Previously, the russians would launch massive shelling a couple of times a month. But in September - every day.
Imagine, every night we have a missile threat, sirens, explosions.
And most of drones are flying directly at cities.
That is why there have been more frequent hits on residential buildings with a large number of victims lately.
It is very exhausting.
It is very emotionally depressing.

Vuhledar city has fallen

Terrorussians continued to press and September was the bloodiest month for russia (maybe for us too).
In September, they lost more soldiers and equipment of all time.
A week ago, another Ukrainian city fell - Vuhledar (translation of this city is - coal-bringing city)
The russians fought to capture it for two and a half years.
They lost an incredible number of their troops attacking it.
But they still managed to capture it.
Now they proudly write on their site - Vuhledar city is Liberated.
And now look at the photo of Vuhledar.
Excuse me, but does this look like liberation?

Since the beginning of the war, the terrorussians have "liberated" a large number of cities in Ukraine.
I am not a military strategist, but it seems to me - if you declare that your goal is to liberate a city, then you probably should not demolish it to hell, not level it to the ground, not shower it with air bombs. Probably it is necessary to simply surround it, and take it into a cauldron so that the garrison of the city will surrender itself over time.
And the city will be intact.
I will show you a picture of "liberated" cities of Ukraine.

It seems to me that anyone does not need to have a lot of brains not to understand that this is not liberation, but destruction.
But apparently, the main part of the russian population has too little brains, and the other part has too little courage and they simply prefer to remain silent.

Putler is ready to pay 35.000 dollars for a new recruit contract and only 110 dollars to his citizens who lost their homes because of the war and are forced to become refugees.

These numbers alone show the priorities of the Tsar of RuZZia.
Ukraine has been controlling part of the Kursk region of russia for more than two months.
But what is Putler doing?
He is not running to liberate his own territory. He needs someone else's lands!!
He does not care about his own population, he considers them only potential soldiers.
If you have problems - get out of the way, dung worm.
But if you agree to go to war and kill - then you are welcome, dear man!

US elections - Putler's hope

Now the russian generals are throwing all their forces into capturing as much territory as possible.
All because the US elections are approaching.
Russia is counting on Donald Trump, whom they consider "Putin's friend", to become president.
The russians hope that Donald Trump will stop supporting Ukraine and force us to make concessions and give Putler everything he manages to seize.
On the other side of the world, Putler is also helped by the "bought" prime ministers of Hungary and Slovakia - Orban and Fico, who are blocking the EU's decisions to support Ukraine and destroying EU from inside its unity.
Apparently, not everyone in this world cares about democracy and justice - many care only about their own benefits.

But I know only one thing.
If you don't shoot the wolf, the next night he will come for a new sheep.
The great aggressor after the Second World War must get it in the teeth so that next time he thinks carefully before doing something like this again.

What we did in September and what we need in October

What can I tell you about the foundation's work?
We bought a car last month.
We managed to find a car at a very good price.
Mazda 3 for $2,500 manufactured in 2006.

And we spent less on repairs than expected.
Now this car is already in the combat zone.
This month we are required to buy a dome electronic warfare system for it for $3.500

Now, due to the huge number of kamikaze drones in the sky, this is everyone's number one request.
Could you imagine that modern wars would be swarming with drones?!
Even 2 years ago, this seemed unimaginable.
Drones were used only to observe from above.
Then they were adapted so that drones could carry grenades that could be dropped on the enemy from above.
But now there are more drones in the air than mosquitoes.
Now drones have become disposable kamikazes and hunt even for individual soldiers.

The next stage will be artificial intelligence and automatic guidance.
When an operator is not needed at all, the drone itself will find and destroy the target.
Then no electronic warfare will help, because such drones do not need a connect with the operator.
Wars give impetus to progress.
But it would be better if we were still armed with medieval swords.

Thank you guys for your support.
Thank you for continuing to support us after so much time!
Thank you to those who signed up for a monthly donation.
We are tired, but we must continue to do this work!

Peace, friends!
Slava Ukraini!

What have we done in September 2024?
1. Car  - 2500$ worth + 400$ repairs (we are in debt for 500$. Will cover in October) 2. Set of batteries for Motorola radio PMNN4808A R7, R7A 20pcs  + antenna - 850$ worth
3. Tourniquets to stop bleeding and first aid kits  - 500$ worth
4. Winter Jacket UF PRO Delta OL Gen.4 Tactical Winter Jacket - 500$ worth

What are we planning to do in October 2024?
1. Dome electronic warfare system for Mazda we bought - 3500$ worth
2. Prepare to winter a wagon for Odessa Drone Catchers -  300$ worth 
3. We have a request for a Drone with thermal vision, but will see for another requests too

Sorry, friends, very often we don't get photos from the guys for the things we buy.
After all, we order them immediately with delivery to the recipient's address in a frontline city.
And we can't be impudent, because these guys have more important tasks.
But for the largest purchases, we always have a photo report.


Foundation results up to the end of September 2024:

(your help through our website)
 (including website donations)
MARCH-JUNE 20222.280$ (76 donations)31.750$
JULY 20221.290$ (43 donations)4.300$
AUGUST 20221.320$ (44 donations)4.200$
SEPTEMBER 20221.500$ (50 donations)6.100$
OCTOBER 20222.280$ (76 donations)6.600$
NOVEMBER 20223.930$ (131 donations)6.850$
DECEMBER 20221.650$ (55 donations)3.327$
JANUARY 20232.070$ (69 donations)9.720$
FEBRUARY 20231.470$ (49 donations)7.250$
MARCH 20235.520$ (184 donations)8.800$
APRIL 20232.280$ (76 donations)20.800$
MAY 20232.310$ (77 donations)5.700$
JUNE 20232.400$ (80 donations)76.300$
JULY 20232.400$ (80 donations)13.200$
AUGUST 20232.100$ (70 donations)11.600$
SEPTEMBER 20231.740$ (58 donations)10.600$
OCTOBER 20233.510$ (117 donations)11.100$
NOVEMBER 20231.980$ (66 donations)6.900$
DECEMBER 20232.640$ (88 donations)4.340$
JANUARY 20242.070$ (69 donations)8.150$
FEBRUARY 20244.950$ (165 donations)21.180$
MARCH 20243.960$ (132 donations)4.310$
APRIL 20242.100$ (70 donations)7.500$
MAY 20242.700$ (90 donations)3.250$
JUNE 20241.890$ (63 donations)2.900$
JULY 20242.220$ (72 donations+2 subscribers)2.500$
AUGUST 20242.010$ (45 donations+6 subscribers)8.700$
SEPTEMBER 20242.640$ (58 donations+9 subscribers)4.370$
(starting April 2022)
69.210$ (2253 donations +9 subscribers)312.260$

Below you can find what we bought in September 2024: