Hello PM-Store friends.

June 2024 RESULTS
You donated through our website $1890
In total, our foundation spent $2900

Thanks to all the people who joined and sent us such important donations!
Special thanks to our regular donors. You are making a significant contribution to our activities.
By the way, a lot of photos you can find at our Instagram page of Hopekeeper foundation

First, I'd like to let you know that I've set up an option to subscribe for recurring donations once a month.
I know many of you always come to the website and go through the same process every time.
I decided to make this task easier. 

Now you can sign up for a monthly donation

You can choose the amount of donations you want.
If you want to do this, please follow this link!
Thanks, friends!

Massive missile attacks July 8

There have been no rocket attacks for a very long time. 
Mostly, terrorussia attacked our city with kamikaze drones, but we have already learned to deal with them and most of them are destroyed even before the city.
But ruzzians has been producing and stockpiling missiles all this time.
This Monday, July 8, a hail of rockets hit several Ukrainian cities.
Russia fired about 40 missiles of different types at Ukrainian cities simultaneously.
Ballistic, cruise, and supersonic missiles were mixed with drones. Russia has also upgraded its missiles, some of which can drop heat traps.
The insufficient air defense system was overloaded and the result was multiple missile hits in Kyiv, Dnipro, and Kriviy Rig cities.

Kyiv children's hospital missile attack

Many missiles simultaneously hit the "Artem" factory - this factory is regularly attacked by the russians, because it is a military-industrial complex plant. 
I know this place very well, having lived there in the area for 12 years.
These places are all family to me - all my youth passed near this place.

But one X-101 missile fell at a distance of 1.5 km from the "Artem" factory. 
This missile hit right in a main children's hospital in Ukraine - Ohmadyt
This is the most terrible example of russian inhuman cruelty.
This clinic treated my daughter twice before when I accidentally dislocated her collarbone.

Ohmadyt is a very modern hospital where very complex diseases were treated.
Thanks to our luck the missile did not hit the main building, but the two-story dialysis building in the courtyard of the clinic.
This luck helped to avoid a much larger number of victims.
What did the Russians want to destroy there?
Children with cancer?

Power of propaganda

When I was choosing a video for this text, I looked through several videos on YouTube from the Daily Mail, Wall Street Journal, Guardian and more. 
After reading the comments to these videos, I was amazed at how much Terrorussia invests in manipulating public opinion.
Under the video there are dozens of comments from Russian bots like: 
  • Yes, it’s clear to everyone that this is a NASAMS rocket. 
  • This is not an X-101 but an air defense missile
  • Rocket flew from east, but russia located at west!
  • That is Patriot PAC-3 rocket
  • Russia never hit civil objects, that ukrainian regime did.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see a comment in the style of - it was a meteorite falling, or it was a dove.

They litter the entire space, creating the appearance that all people think so, thereby manipulating, creating another reality, an illusion, liking each other, and raising their comments to the top.
An ordinary person will come in, read it and think: well, it seems that was not Russians, well, okay, I will think so eather.
It is easier to swim with the flow than to row against the current.

The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed

The Russian media space is littered with pictures of evidence, graphs, and diagrams that this is a missile from the Nasams air defense complex.
They shamelessly blurring the blunt nose of its X-101 missile, because the AIM-120 has a sharp nose and says: Look! 100% evidence this is AIM-120 rocket (left image)
Although another russian news channel published a photo of this unblurred missile and definitely signed that it was an X-101 missile diving at a target in Kyiv. (right image)
Looks like one propagandists didn't receive the manual from the Kremlin on time.

Then they decided to pollute the media space with information that yes, it was our missile, but it was shot down by Ukrainian air defense and that’s why it fell on a children’s hospital.
Then they started telling another version - the missile was shot down by electronic warfare equipment.

But the video clearly shows that the rocket flies smoothly, does not fall damaged, and does not spin around its axis. 

Instead of admitting the mistake and saying that someone programmed the rocket incorrectly, entered the wrong coordinates into it, promise to look into the incident, russians chose their usual tactics - lie, lie and lie again, using the full power of their propaganda machine.
Joseph Goebbels said: The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed.
Terrorussians learned that very well.

All that glitter is not gold

There is a lot of “pure truth” around us, behind which lies a blatant lie.
There is one more war going on around us in the information space.
There are tens of thousands of soldiers working there behind computers that manipulate public opinion.
Their task is to quarrel us, to make us hostile to each other so that it is easier for them to fight.
After all, it is difficult to fight a united monolithic enemy. 

It’s easier to fight with those who have internal strife.
But we need to keep united!
We need to stay democratic and free!

Guys! Please continue to support us on the way to our freedom!

Thank you for staying with us!

Peace, friends!
Slava Ukraini!

What did we do in June 2024?
1. Electronic warfare equipment  - 1300$ Will be produced for free, we just paid for details
2. Antennas for Azov brigade  - 500$ 3. Helmet and body armor for a soldier - 730$ worth

What are we planning to do in July 2024?
1. Now we have request for ATV  - 7500$ worth


Foundation results up to the end of June 2024:

(your help through our website)
 (including website donations)
MARCH-JUNE 20222.280$ (76 donations)31.750$
JULY 20221.290$ (43 donations)4.300$
AUGUST 20221.320$ (44 donations)4.200$
SEPTEMBER 20221.500$ (50 donations)6.100$
OCTOBER 20222.280$ (76 donations)6.600$
NOVEMBER 20223.930$ (131 donations)6.850$
DECEMBER 20221.650$ (55 donations)3.327$
JANUARY 20232.070$ (69 donations)9.720$
FEBRUARY 20231.470$ (49 donations)7.250$
MARCH 20235.520$ (184 donations)8.800$
APRIL 20232.280$ (76 donations)20.800$
MAY 20232.310$ (77 donations)5.700$
JUNE 20232.400$ (80 donations)76.300$
JULY 20232.400$ (80 donations)13.200$
AUGUST 20232.100$ (70 donations)11.600$
SEPTEMBER 20231.740$ (58 donations)10.600$
OCTOBER 20233.510$ (117 donations)11.100$
NOVEMBER 20231.980$ (66 donations)6.900$
DECEMBER 20232.640$ (88 donations)4.340$
JANUARY 20242.070$ (69 donations)8.150$
FEBRUARY 20244.950$ (165 donations)21.180$
MARCH 20243.960$ (132 donations)4.310$
APRIL 20242.100$ (70 donations)7.500$
MAY 20242.700$ (90 donations)3.250$
JUNE 20241.890$ (63 donations)2.900$
(starting April 2022)
62.340$ (2078 donations)296.690$

Below you can find what we bought in June 2024: