Hello PM-Store friends.

Sorry for the newsletter delay this month.
I spent some time with my family and children before the school started.
Now my short vacation is over and I am returning to work!

As always, thanks to all the people who joined and sent us such important donations!
Special thanks to our regular donors. You are making a significant contribution to our activities.

July 2024 Results

Total your donations: $2220
Single donations through our website $2160
Monthly subscription donations $60
Total your donations: $2220
In total, our foundation spent $2500 

Now you can sign up for a monthly donation

You can choose the amount of donations you want.
Thanks, friends!

Bad news

First of all, I have to share some bad news with you.
You could see the name Vitaly in my procurement reports for a very long time.
We bought a lot of things for him over the past two and a half years.
Remember, we fundraised for FPV drones in January. You were able to write a personal message on a drone. These 12 drones were bought for Vitaly.
He was killed on July 31!
You saw this photo already before.
On the left is Vitaly, and at the right, is Vova the husband of Ilona (this couple manages most at our foundation).
Vitaly and Vova were a best friend for over 30 years.

The day before, they called him and asked: Maybe you need something?
He answered: I need luck!
Luck has turned away from him this time.

Now the russians are putting a lot of pressure to capture the city of Pokrovsk.
Vitaly said that he spent 20 days at the frontline on this direction, then they took him to the rear for a day to rest and sent him back.
Hell is happening there! He said that the Russians pushing just like in horror movies, in endless living waves.
Vitaly's body left in a trench at the frontline. His comrades went to pull out his body, but all 7 of these people also killed.
They have a brotherhood - they pull out as many of their killed soldiers as possible to return the body to the family and the family can receive compensation.
As a result, they could not pull out the body for a week, they had to cut off part of the flesh for DNA testing to officially prove his death.
The body is now behind enemy lines.
And it is unknown whether it will be possible to get it back so that the family can bury their husband and father.
Such stories give you goosebumps and sadness. And there are already hundreds of thousands of such stories.
Wives are losing husbands, children are losing fathers.
Rest in Peace, Vitaly! Thank you! You gave your life for a chance for us to live free.

Good news - Ukrainian soldier's boot at ruZZian land

Now I will move on to more joyful news, which you have probably already heard.
Ukraine has transferred the war to russian territory. Ukraine has shown that two can play this game!
Terrorussia was so sure that we would not dare to cross its border that it was unprepared for this.
The ruZZians are experiencing a shortage of manpower and equipment to allocate part of it to protect their borders.
All reserves are now being thrown into the furnace of war in the territory of Donbas.

That is why the borders of russia are a walk-through yard.
So we could so easily cross and occupy over 1200 sq. km in 2 weeks. And this is the border of russia with Ukraine - a country with which russia is at war!
Imagine then what a leaky border Russia has with NATO countries or China.
Because according to russian officials, they are not at war with Ukraine, but with the entire NATO bloc.
It is simply difficult for Putler to accept that he cannot defeat even a small Ukraine.
That's why they are fighting with all of NATO!
But NATO didn't come to this fight till now
And russian borders with NATO are bare. So if they want, NATO can reach Moscow in a couple of days.
The borders are empty, there are no troops to resist the new fronts.

Pros and cons

For Ukraine, the occupation of russian territory is a big trump card.
This is a blow to Putler. The old man has fought enough that he has now lost even the original russian territory.
Now we have something to offer in return!
Perhaps this will cause more anger and dissatisfaction among the ruling elites.
It is difficult to imagine what could provoke such a daring act by Ukraine.
But we can say with absolute certainty that this operation is very successful and positive.
I don't see any cons.

At a minimum, we already have more than 2,000 russian captives from these territories, a huge part of them are conscripts - young boys who have never even shot and have never held anything on duty except a shovel and a broom.
Such soldiers should not take a part in this war and this case is very sensitive for russian society because Putler promised before lot of times that such soldiers will not be used at war at all.

In general, this event has raised great hopes among all Ukrainians.
We are very tired of the war, which has no end in sight.
The war has turned into a sluggish, creeping occupation by the russians, who are moving at a snail's pace but still are advancing two steps a day.

We need to win this war!

But we can win mostly by cunning.
Because we are not such a resource-rich country, we cannot spend thousands of our soldiers a day like the russians, throwing them at fortified defense lines.
Well, the help of democratic countries will not allow us to dramatically change the course of the war.
We understand perfectly well that we are getting just enough to not lose this war. After all, to win, we need much more modern supplies.
And we understand perfectly well that everyone is interested in the slow grinding of the russian military machine instead of a quick victory.
With the hands of Ukrainians, world need to destroy the entire Soviet legacy, empty all the ammunition depots, destroy all these huge reserves of armored vehicles that the USSR collected for many years after the end of World War II.
Russia will lose, but it must end up naked and barefoot.
As long as the Russians still have stockpiles of T-62 and T-55 tanks along with BMP-1s, the war of attrition will continue!
I have said many times that I understand this logic. It costs Ukrainians dearly, but global politics has more global goals.
And we agree to exchange our lives for help from democratic countries.
Because if there is no help, even more of us will die.
Nothing personal - just business.

Therefore, an operation on enemy territory is a chance for Ukraine to bring the end of the war closer!

Some news about our charity fund

It's summer now and business activity is weak.
So in July we bought almost nothing.
One of our friends from the US state of Tennessee (Hi Anthony) made a large donation and asked to pass it on to the victims of the children's hospital in Kyiv.
We found that a good idea.
So in July we bring a large sum of $2400 to the doctors of the hospital Ohmatdyt.
On the day when the Russian rocket flew into the main children's clinic of Ukraine, a child with a harelip was undergoing facial surgery.
The doctors in the operating room were injured, but the child got no injuries.
The funds went to the doctors' treatment, but as far as we know, some of the funds were also used to treat other patients.

Purchase of ATV planned for July

We also saved some of the funds from past months to finally buy this ATV, which we have been asking for for a long time.
But because the amount of $7500 is large and we regularly spend money on small requests, it is more difficult to collect a large sum.
I'll get ahead of myself a little - we bought it today and will go pick it up tomorrow.
So you will see it in the next report!

Monthly donation subscription

I also want to thank those who signed up for a monthly automatic donation.
We have only found two such heroes so far, but I believe that this type of donation is much more convenient when you can choose the amount of the monthly donation yourself, which will be written off automatically.
It's also convenient for us, because we can predict future purchases in advance.
You can cancel it at any time by contacting us.

Thank you for staying with us!

Peace, friends!
Slava Ukraini!

What have we done in July 2024?
1. Donation to Ohmatdyt injured doctors - 2400$

What are we planning to do in August 2024?
1. ATV  - 7500$ worth 2. Equipment for soldier - active headphones, flashlight etc
3. Financial help to family of Vitaly
4. Printers for my classmate who serves in Air Defence


Foundation results up to the end of July 2024:

(your help through our website)
 (including website donations)
MARCH-JUNE 20222.280$ (76 donations)31.750$
JULY 20221.290$ (43 donations)4.300$
AUGUST 20221.320$ (44 donations)4.200$
SEPTEMBER 20221.500$ (50 donations)6.100$
OCTOBER 20222.280$ (76 donations)6.600$
NOVEMBER 20223.930$ (131 donations)6.850$
DECEMBER 20221.650$ (55 donations)3.327$
JANUARY 20232.070$ (69 donations)9.720$
FEBRUARY 20231.470$ (49 donations)7.250$
MARCH 20235.520$ (184 donations)8.800$
APRIL 20232.280$ (76 donations)20.800$
MAY 20232.310$ (77 donations)5.700$
JUNE 20232.400$ (80 donations)76.300$
JULY 20232.400$ (80 donations)13.200$
AUGUST 20232.100$ (70 donations)11.600$
SEPTEMBER 20231.740$ (58 donations)10.600$
OCTOBER 20233.510$ (117 donations)11.100$
NOVEMBER 20231.980$ (66 donations)6.900$
DECEMBER 20232.640$ (88 donations)4.340$
JANUARY 20242.070$ (69 donations)8.150$
FEBRUARY 20244.950$ (165 donations)21.180$
MARCH 20243.960$ (132 donations)4.310$
APRIL 20242.100$ (70 donations)7.500$
MAY 20242.700$ (90 donations)3.250$
JUNE 20241.890$ (63 donations)2.900$
JULY 20242.220$ (72 donations+2 subscribers)2.500$
(starting April 2022)
64.560$ (2150 donations +2 subscribers)299.190$

Below you can find what we bought in July 2024: