Hello PM-Store friends.

I am very grateful to the people who signed up for a monthly donation.
It is very important for us to understand how much we can count on monthly.
Based on this, we can plan future purchases.
After my message last month, in August we received 4 more subscribers and +600$ monthly.
I am very grateful to you, guys!

As always, thanks to all the people who joined and sent us such important donations!

August 2024 Results

Single donations through our website: $1350
Monthly subscription donations: $660
Your TOTAL donations: $2010
In total, our foundation spent $8685 

You can sign up for a monthly donation

You can choose the amount of donations you want.
Thanks, friends!

Happy Birthday, Ukraine

On August 24, we celebrated the 33rd Independence Day of Ukraine.
As a state and nation, we have existed for a very long time, but our geographic location has always prevented us from gaining our independent country.
And now, a drunk russian bear wants to destroy us once again.
Oh, how hard to get this independence, guys.
By the way, On this day we returned 115 Ukrainian soldiers from russian captivity!

Good news will come today, I hope

Imagine how painful it is to see that less than 100 km from our border there is an airfield where terrorussian planes are loaded with missiles and bombs.
These death machines then fly to our cities.
But we are not allowed to shoot supplied ammo at this airfield.
Or we see a concentration of russian troops on the border, but we can't hit them before they go to our territory.
We are told - you must fight arrows, not archers.

Right now, a meeting of state leaders is taking place in Kyiv.
And today, apparently, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will announce permission to use long-range weapons on russian territory.
This is another step that we have been asking for for a long time.
Finally! We will start to destroy the archer so that arrows stop flying at us.
Of course, our own production does not stand still and we are using drones to destroy targets deep in Russia.
But such drones fly low and slow, they are easily shot down and can carry a small amount of explosives.
But several ATACMS, JASSM or Storm Shadow missiles will blow the target to pieces.

Сonsequences of this decision

Russian society, dumbed down by propaganda, believes that this war is somewhere far away and that this is not a war at all, but some kind of special military operation.
But when bombs start exploding near to their cities, they will start taking off their rose-colored glasses and asking: What a f* is that?
Why are you, Putler, conducting your special operation so successfully that the war is already coming to our homes?
These questions are already being asked by 150 thousand Russian refugees from the Kursk region.
Russians must understand that their tsar has gone too far.

But we also don't wear rose-colored glasses and we understand that russians are serfs by nature and historically.
They do not rule anything in their state.
Their dissatisfaction can become a basis for ruling elites who are also dissatisfied but are afraid to organize a rebellion
When discontent among the masses grows, this can become support for the rebel, who will finally dare to organize a coup.
Prigozhin's mutiny in the summer of 2023 is proof of that.
It's a shame he was stupid enough to trust Putler.

In general, any oligarch who is close to power understands that it is better to trade than to fight.
It is better to travel the world than stay closed inside Russia.
But they are all afraid.
A totalitarian state, where if you do not please the tsar, then you can be deprived of everything in just an instant. Including life.
We also understand that it will be very difficult to defeat Russia on the battlefield.
We need to wear it out so much that the spiders start devouring each other in a jar.
So that they switch to internal squabbles among themselves.
After all, russia is a colonial country.
It consists of so many enslaved nations who once had their own states.
They are all waiting for the moment when they can free themselves.
And by the way, Moscow understands this too.
That is why the largest number of killed soldiers are from such regions.
The russians threw them to the slaughter first.
That is why we understand what kind of future awaits us if the russians capture us.
As I said before - if we are enslaved - the war will not end for us.
The russians will throw the Ukrainians to attack Poland.
This is a truism. It is worth looking at the history of the World War II

Let me tell you about our fund work

We finally bought an ATV.
We saved up for several months and finally bought it!

One of the participants of our fund, Yaroslav, also went to the front.
We bought him the missing equipment.
My classmate friend also contacted me for the first time.
I wrote to him several times, if you need something - just say so.
Finally, he recently asked me to buy him two printers.
And we helped a bit to a fallen warrior family - Vitaly.

Now for September, we have a request to buy a car.
We found a cheap one for $2,500.

We will need to spend around $1,500 on repairs.
But overall, for $4,000 a car is a very reasonable price.

Some pleasant numbers

We finally got a round sum - since the beginning of our fund, we have made purchases for more than $300,000, of which your help amounted to almost $67,000
On the one hand, 300.000$ in 2.5 years is not enough.
But on the other hand, we are a very small fund - a fund of several people.
And there are thousands like us.
We are like small drops of water that flow from everywhere to form a full-flowing river!

Thank you guys for your support.
Thank you for continuing to support us after so much time!
Thank you to those who signed up for a monthly donation.
We are tired, but we must continue to do this work!

Peace, friends!
Slava Ukraini!

What have we done in August 2024?
1. ATV  - 7500$ worth 2. Equipment for soldier - active headphones, flashlight etc
3. Financial help to family of Vitaly
4. Printers for my classmate who serves in Air Defence

What are we planning to do in August 2024?
1. Car  - 2500$ worth + 1500$ repairs 2. Antenna
3. Tourniquets to stop bleeding
4. Winter Jacket


Foundation results up to the end of August 2024:

(your help through our website)
 (including website donations)
MARCH-JUNE 20222.280$ (76 donations)31.750$
JULY 20221.290$ (43 donations)4.300$
AUGUST 20221.320$ (44 donations)4.200$
SEPTEMBER 20221.500$ (50 donations)6.100$
OCTOBER 20222.280$ (76 donations)6.600$
NOVEMBER 20223.930$ (131 donations)6.850$
DECEMBER 20221.650$ (55 donations)3.327$
JANUARY 20232.070$ (69 donations)9.720$
FEBRUARY 20231.470$ (49 donations)7.250$
MARCH 20235.520$ (184 donations)8.800$
APRIL 20232.280$ (76 donations)20.800$
MAY 20232.310$ (77 donations)5.700$
JUNE 20232.400$ (80 donations)76.300$
JULY 20232.400$ (80 donations)13.200$
AUGUST 20232.100$ (70 donations)11.600$
SEPTEMBER 20231.740$ (58 donations)10.600$
OCTOBER 20233.510$ (117 donations)11.100$
NOVEMBER 20231.980$ (66 donations)6.900$
DECEMBER 20232.640$ (88 donations)4.340$
JANUARY 20242.070$ (69 donations)8.150$
FEBRUARY 20244.950$ (165 donations)21.180$
MARCH 20243.960$ (132 donations)4.310$
APRIL 20242.100$ (70 donations)7.500$
MAY 20242.700$ (90 donations)3.250$
JUNE 20241.890$ (63 donations)2.900$
JULY 20242.220$ (72 donations+2 subscribers)2.500$
AUGUST 20242.010$ (45 donations+6 subscribers)8.700$
(starting April 2022)
66.570$ (2195 donations +6 subscribers)307.890$

Below you can find what we bought in August 2024: