The idea of a military diorama: "Danger Zone: Minefield in Ukraine, Summer 2022"

Summer 2022. In eastern Ukraine, the armed conflict continues. Villages and towns, once peaceful, have become arenas of fierce battles. Many areas have turned into dangerous zones filled with mines and unexploded ordnance left behind by both soldiers and insurgents.

In one such village, where intense fighting recently took place, a reconnaissance group of Ukrainian soldiers received a mission: to check and neutralize the minefield left by the enemy. This is crucial for ensuring the safety of local residents and restoring transport communication.


The sapper group arrived in the village early in the morning. They knew that every minute counted, as the time for evacuating civilians was approaching. Dense fog, lingering low to the ground, added an extra layer of danger, concealing deadly traps.

The soldiers began cautiously moving through the field, checking every centimeter of the ground in front of them. Using mine detectors, they identified and neutralized explosive devices. Wooden signs reading "Mines!" were set up around to warn others of the deadly risk.

During the task, the soldiers also encountered other traces of combat: destroyed buildings, abandoned ammunition, and wrecked vehicles. Every step could be their last, but the military knew they bore the responsibility for the safety of hundreds, if not thoundes, of civilians.

Against the backdrop of this dangerous mission, villagers watched anxiously from the windows of their homes. Their faces reflected hope and fear – hope that their homes would again become safe, and fear of potential losses.

Description of the Diorama:

  • Central Figures (Main Kit is ICM 35018 1/35 Danger Mines, Ukraine Summer 2022): Sapper group (3 figures, 1 sapper dog), engaged in searching and neutralizing mines.
  • Environment:
  • - Minefield with scattered mines (DNEPRO MODEL DM35121 landmines and box) and "DANGER MINES" signs (signs can be made using matches and paper)

    - Ruined house with broken walls and windows (DAN MODELS 35337 1/35 BROKEN HOUSE WALL L 335 MM GYPSUM MATERIAl)

    - Elements of destroyed infrastructure: burned-out cars, shattered fences, and remnants of buildings.

  • Decorations for diorama:
  • - Barricades made of sandbags (MINIART 35586 HESSIAN BAGS) and abandoned ammunition (use box from landmines and box kit), left behind from recent combat.

    - Scattered wires and pits from explosions, indicating recent combat actions.

    Thanks for reading.